Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Last House on the Left (1972)

Rating: R
Country: US
Running Time: 91 minutes
Director: Wes Craven
Starring: Sandra Cassel, Lucy Grantham, David Hess, Fred J. Lincoln, Jeramie Rain, etc.
Mainly and primarily known as Wes Craven's first film, The Last House on the Left is a particularly grisly and brutal film that inflicts and depicts a handful of violence. Banned in several countries and censored almost in its entirely, it has become famous just for that trait. Disturbing and savage, it not only accomplishes its goal on the standard horror film level, but it mentally scars the viewer with the cornerpiece jewel and most widely known scene in the film: the rape. Never before have I witnessed something so generally agitating, distressing, unsettling, painful and harrowing before. A twisted experience it is watching all the acts commited to Marie and her unlucky pal Phyllis (*spoiler* who is viciously disembowled by all the members of the gang). An important and cringe-worthy section. Other than all this, The Last House on the Left is a virtually contrived and cliched attempt at recapturing the horror of other films at its time. everybody involved turn in pretentious and appalling performances and all of the deaths are ridiculous to watch considering its low-budget. the plotline is also full of tons of holes and its pretty much godawful in the content it tries to sustain and deliver. Still a decent movie and not overly bad. Would rent at your local movie gallery or store.
Pros: The complete first half of the review says it all
Cons: Full of holes, bad acting, cliched and fake looking
Recommended? Not really

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